Tuesday, September 18, 2007



I had $50 of birthday money burning a hole in my pocket yesterday, so after I dropped John off at his office, I went shopping. Yay! There were a few things I'd been needing, including a hair straightener, so I got one of the new ones that dries and straightens hair at the same time. Such Technology! I hate blow-drying my hair (read: I don't even own a blow-dryer), and I equally hate waiting around for my hair to dry before I can straighten it, so O! What a solution this is! I took a shower last night just so I could try it out, and if I do say so myself -- which I do -- my hair looks fantastic. Hurrah!

Then I went to Goodwill, where I thrifted six photo frames, most of which had hideous "art" in them. They were all really cheap; the biggest, most expensive one was $2.99. I'd had a project in mind for a while, rather like the dooce wall, only with black frames and more variety in sizes and shapes. I had leftover paint at home from a project last week, so my Monday evening was spent cleaning, painting, and arranging the frames, washing the glass, and choosing which pictures to put in them. For now, I'm staying with black and white photographs from our wedding, aww (I accidentally wrote "ass" first. Hmm).

Also, I had my first big find at Goodwill; I'd always heard about people who found absolute treasure at Goodwill for a few bucks, but all I've ever found were some picture frames and rack upon rack of ugly, ratty sweaters. Then, I found two of these! Still with the "Riedel" stickers on them. They're brand new, "Tyrol crystal designed by Riedel. Made in Germany. Non lead. 04/07" I'd registered for a set of Riedel wineglasses for fun, for our wedding, didn't get them, and didn't buy them myself due to the price -- I don't drink wine often enough for that to make sense. But! These were $4.99 each, and I didn't want to spend my birthday money just on stuff for me, and knew John would love them. Two Riedel wineglasses for under $10, rather than two for $39.99? Yay!!

I'm so excited!

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