Monday, October 03, 2005

Fully expecting to receive a long comment from C. regarding this post and automated spam:

I hate spam. I do. It makes me laugh; it makes me utter disgusted sounds; it wrecks that moment of bliss when I think that a Real Person e-mailed me, and then find "DIAPERS ON US FOR A YEAR!" waiting for me.

But the thing I really hate about spam is that I don't get any on the weekends. How twisted is that? I hate the absence of spam, because I don't want the spammers to enjoy their weekends; I don't want them to have free time. If they're going to fill my inbox with garbage, I'd rather they slave over it all the time; not just do it in a modest 20-40 hour work week, then kick up their feet and sip a beer, watching MTV and drooling. I want them to be working at it ALL THE TIME. If they're going to make me miserable; I want THEM to be miserable, too.


Beth said...

I'm not online enough...

I thought you were talking about the food spam, and I was about to go into a comment about Hawaiians and how they eat Spam & Rice every day...

dänika said...

"spam" and "rice" should NEVER be that close together in a sentence, bethie.

Anonymous said...

heh. Back when I actually got any significant spam, I seemed to get more of it on the weekends. I think it was because maybe they had a better chance of avoiding the abuse departments and server admins and all that and so could get away with sending a little more until monday morning.

But nowadays, maybe the spammers are richer... so they don't have to work weekends.

Now, I get less than 0.7727 spams per day... ~5.489 per week... and that's really not hardly significant enough to get any reliable data from. However, a cursory review of my little spam collection shows that the weekends seem to pop up fairly frequently.
